Independent Organization International

The International Freelancers Foundation is a non-profit civil society organization, registered under number (1108) for the year 2022. We are a group of leaders and pioneers in human rights and developmental work, independent in our orientation and affiliation from any political activity or agenda. The foundation operates in the field of development, consisting of a group of individuals who believe in the right to development, especially for the most vulnerable groups.

IOI aims to combat irregular migration by promoting the settlement of citizens within their own countries through economic empowerment, entrepreneurship, and professional training. This approach seeks to reduce irregular migration through developmental mechanisms with a human rights framework. IOI is the first organization in Egypt working in the field of defending and supporting irregular labor according to the principle of citizenship, to enhance community protection and improve their professional and craft levels through training and professional development, creating new job opportunities according to market requirements. In addition, it offers various language courses and free legal consultations to the wide segment of irregular workers and their families.

ndependent Organization International مؤسسة المستقلين الدولية

Media Center

Be part of the volunteer team

The Independent Association helps in developing your skills and improving your ability to work within a professional team

Elwarsha programme

The first program in the Arab world and Africa that works to support and rehabilitate irregular employment. Irregular employment is the group most affected by the continuation of the global economic crises, and that group may be torn apart and lose the ability to meet the basic requirements of life. Therefore, we aim in the workshop program to support irregular employment professionally, socially and legally.

Second stage
kickoff the end

Elwarsha program activities (photos)

Combat Illegal IMMigration Program
( Warsha Program)

Research and Studies Unit

Legal advice for women
"personal status issues"

Training grants for travel